Thursday 24 March, 2011

Angels & Demons

Have you fallen in love with «Da Vinci Code» and its characters? Have you been waiting for new eminent works of talented writer? Here you go, you will meet them now again and live together for 24 hours, the time that you will not forget.
Robert Langdon wakes up to answer the phone call. Who can it be, in the middle of the night? Director of CERN, Maximilian Kohler, tells him he needs to immediately meet him to make an expertise. Fax with an awfully killed person makes Robert believe it is serious. On the body he sees the Illuminati symbol. In an hour he is already at the physics lab of CERN in Geneva. The murdered man is Leonardo Vetra, the physicist who was on the threshold of making a discovery that could change the planet and out minds forever… but someone prevented that, they don’t want it to happen… but why? And who are they? That’s what Langdon and Vittoria, Leonardo Vetra’s adopted daughter, have to find out. They realize that the antimatter canister was stolen and go to Vatican to find it. They also need to rescue four kidnapped cardinals during the conclave.
So, who has done all that?.. The Illuminati is responsible for the tragedy, but they won’t stop at anything till they have their vengeance – the Catholic Church ruin.

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