Friday 25 March, 2011

The Help

Written quite a time ago about the middle of last century, this wonderful novel is still topical nowadays. 
Twenty two year old Skeeter has graduated from school and wants to proceed education, but according to the principles and traditions of that time her mother first of all wants to see her married. Girl used to find comfort in talking with her maid Constantine, but while Skeeter being away at school Constantine left and no one would tell sad girl where. Aibileen is a new maid, black clever woman, but with sorrow in her heart – she lost her son because of carelessness of his bosses . The third woman is Minny - Aibileen’s best friend. She is fat, small and very sassy. She is a cook who got her talent from God, but because she can’t mind her business and keep her tongue she is fired from place after place. Finally she finds a job, her new employer has come to the town not a long time ago and doesn’t know her reputation yet. 
They are so different, but what unites them is one common thing – mysterious and risky project. They have grown from their time and their town, they suffocate in that atmosphere… and they cross the lines society and time created for them. They take a step and change the town they live in and the way women view each other. 
The Help tells us a story about the lines to which we keep and the ones that we cross.

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